Thursday, March 08, 2007


Set for Monica's Play

My friend Monica put out a request for a rendering for a play that she's producing for a hospital. The constraints were that it had to be on a 9' X 16' backdrop that could travel, and must use some stock images that the hospital had already purchased. The play is about HIV, and is traveling high schools- that's all I know. I really like using the 3D software, because it puts things in scale, and let's you get a good idea at how your images would look big...This is really important for me, because I work in an industry that relies on a lot of backdrops for sets.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Sketch Up in March

In an effort to make more realistic renderings for work, I've decided to work on my 3D rendering techniques with sketch up.

Here is a 0-2 exhibit I'm experimenting with.

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