Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Watercolor Pencil Dancers

Michael's Craft Store is an amazing place, because they have tons of art supplies, many of which are starter kits. I purchased a watercolor pencil kit, and gave it a go, using dancers from Movin'Out as inspiration. I wasn't too impressed with the first go on this because it was hard to tame the pencils, so I tried some other techniques (ink and back painting), and decided it would look better with illumination. To add more color, I painted the back. The kit came with a "how to" book on watercolor pencils- I don't think the artist who illustrated the book, used the same pencils in the $9 kit.

I'm positive that the female dancer is forlorn because her thigh is unshaved and she wants the male dancer to get his paws off her fur.
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