Sunday, February 26, 2006


Tea: Illustration Friday

This is the girliest illustration I have ever done. I wanted to draw the Boston Tea Party, with Indians and crates of Tea being thrown overboard. My roommate volunteered to sit for me drinking Tea instead. This is Ellie drinking Tea and thinking about trees one might see while driving a BMW down a windy road, listening to Vivaldi. She thinks it is her thinking, "will I have a big nose and double chins in this picture Marcos is doing of me." I tell her she is ridiculous. I drew a blanket over her legs, because I couldn't get them right. That's right- I'm an art cheater.

Teahee, great story. TellEllie she looks beautiful!
The blanket is sure a clever trick!
Interesting illo, and narrative, she looks like she's close to a deep meditation-couldn't see that, until I enlarged the peice, like the trees left colourless, works well with your description of her thoughts, while you sketched her.
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