Tuesday, March 28, 2006


dinosaur project 2

This is the second piece in my dino project. I really like what I did here. The only issue I had with the dinosoaurs, was the choosing. I looked at the Pottery Barn version, and realized that there were all sorts of dinosaurs in the picture- I really hate when artists put dinosaurs in a picture that did not live in the same period. I started with stogosaurs- so I had to stick to the Jurassic Period- So no Ceratopians, or TRex's. Ellie thinks that this Apatasoaurus is babysitting the two Anklyosauri, who were fighting over the pile of rocks they were playing with. Can you think of a better story?

I think it's there to act as a referee in a five-round fight to the death.
Marcos, you need to tell people how I absolutely KVELLED over how good this drawing is. I was all, "How are you so GOOD? How do you DO it?"

My drawing skills ain't worth balls, so I'm proud to know you and live within screaming distance.
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